Hidden paradise

Pantai Krakal Pantai Krakal

Pantai Indrayanti - Gunung Kidul, Jogja


This scene is taken in Pantai Krakal. The white sand beach with greeny algae. If in dry season you can surfing in this beach. You wanna know where is it? This beach is in Gunung Kidul, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Maybe we just know Pantai Parangtritis but we have a hidden beautiful pearl in this land.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
― Lao Tzu

This is the result for escaping class. Worth it, rite? Yes of course! I never regret to have this trip. Just a few people know this virgin beach! Oh Gosh, this beach are really beautiful.


Wilunjeng Sumping…

For people who live in Bogor, this restaurant is really well known. Who’s don’t know Saung Kuring? This is sundanese restaurant who provide you with beautiful scene of sundanese environment.

Aku sebenernya gak terlalu suka makanan sunda, kenapa? karena kebanyakan makanan sunda itu kering2an, but this restaurant is different. I always love to eat in this restaurant. The menu in this restaurant is all traditional diet from Sunda. Wanna see?



nasi jambal - saung kuring - eat your diets


gurame padang pasir - saung kuring - eat your diets


gurame goreng - saung kuring - eat your diets

Those are some favourite menu from Saung Kuring and I always back to this restaurant to eat and enjoy this diet. You can come with your little family or your friends.

Here’s the location of this restaurant. There are 2 branch.

peta lokasi - saung kuring - eat your diets


Kalo main ke Bogor, jangan lupa berkunjung disini.


Ayam Bakar Karamel [WARUNG MAKNYUS]

Semakin hari semakon sibuk nih food traveller, jadi mimin lebih kebanyakan di kamar dan gak jalan2 + gak makan2 lagi. Tapi kemaren sore mimin baru pergi sama temen mimin ke WARUNG MAKNYUS. Ini warung terkenal banget dehhh bwt kawasan ank2 kampus mimin. Letak spesifiknyas sih kurang ngerti, tapi yang pasti ini pas banget di seberang PLN cabang LEMAHABANG.

Ini sih all time favorite banget buat anak PU karena bukan hanya traditional diet tapi emg makanannya enak dan rasanya pas gitu.
Harga juga gak mahal2 banget dan enak banget deh.
Sebenernya ada yg lebih “java traditional diet” banget, yaitu AYAM BLENDOG. Tapi sayangnha kemaren pas mau pesen itu, lagi kosong ayamnya. Tapi ayam bakar karamel nya juga enak kok.
Kalo main ke Jababeka, jangan lupa yaaa bwt nyobain warung ini sbg rekomendasi ‘java traditional diet’ kita.


Soto Santan Bang Ali @Bogor

Sorry beberapa hari ini gak posting karena I got sick 😥 and actually I’m still sick but I want to share this for you.

Soto santan is one of traditional diet fromBogor, but there is the difference in Soto Santan Bang Ali ini.

This warung is located ini the corner of Jalan Pemuda, or people well known in around Goodyear (re: Gujir), soto santan ini menyajikan “isi” yang digoreng terlebih dahulu.

Sebelum duduk manis, kita diminta terlebih dahulu untuk memilih isi soto yang akan kita santap. Aneka jeroan yang bisa kita pilih seperti otak sapi, usus, babat, paru, daging, kikil dan lain-lain. Jeroan ini sudah digoreng agak kering terlebih dahulu, inilah yang membedakan soto santan Bang Ali dengan soto bogor lainnya yang biasanya menyediakan jeroan yang basah. Kemudian jeroan yang telah kita pilih diguyur dengan kuah soto santan yang rasanya MANTAP! The traditional seasoning is really strong but the santan is not too strong. We eat that soto seems like we eat soup. *Really recommended for people who have high cholestrol*

We eat this with little bit tetesan jeruk nipis dan kecap manis, and the taste will really hmmmmmmmmm SUPER DELICIOSO!  Kerupuk and es jerk is nice too complete our lunch in here. You won’t regret to taste this traditional food.

This is the pict…

Soto Santan Bang Ali

Selamat Mencoba!




This diet is perfect for your brunch or your snack especially for cheesy lovers. You won’t regret if you eat this diet. I swear! because this diet is really worth it to eat and buy.

Nongki2 santai enaknya sambil makan grilled banana alias pisang bakar atau toast bread alias roti bakar. Yaahh you know that so many cafe who provide us pisang baker or roti baker, rite? Then, this is for your recommended place in Bandung to eat this Cafe MADTARI, this place always crowded especially in weekend night. Continue reading