Tie Kue

Actually I don’t have much time to post this posting because today is time to FIND ANGPAO lol.
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! GONG XI FA CHAI! Happy horse day people!
Sory I cannot post anything longer than this one paragraph.


I called it Tie Kue or Kue Keranjang in Bahasa. This traditional diet will always appear in Chinese New Year and also in my home. They make this diet using basket and that’s why people say it is kue keranjang. The taste is sweet of brown sugar and the ingredients are tepung ketan and brown sugar. You can fried it with dough of flour or when the tie kue is still chewy, you can eat with kelapa parut.
And I like to eat when this diet still chewy.


Sands Restaurant (Little HK in Jakarta)

Sorry yesterday I didn’t post any article because I’m too tired.
What are you doing now? Chillin’ on your room?? Ok let me begin to speak now.

Cute rite?! This is gold fish from Sands Restaurant (Mangga Dua Square – Jakarta Level 5) This is all you can eat restaurant and this is Chinese restaurant but don’t worry about the pork because this diet is all halal. You wanna see another diet? Let’s see!

This is tim lumpia seafood kembang tahu


Curious what is that? Picture in above is kaki bebek kecap. Oh my God this diet is really delicious and you know what about the price?! The price is related cheap I think, only IDR 53.888/pax. You never regret to spent that money to eat all what you want!


Island of beauty!

If you go to Bali, do not ever forget this diet guys! This is maybe not a traditional diet but this is very popular in Bali. It is Nasi Pedas. The most popular warung is Nasi Pedas Bu Andika which located in front of Joger. It is always crowded by people because this diet is really hot and delicious!

I never get enough to eat this. My friends always want more and more if they eat this diet. Last week, when I went to Bali, I ate Nasi Pedas with abon sapi pedas, kering tempe, urap (I don’t know what the name exactly but in home town, vegetable like this called urap) and of course the special sambal. It is very hot and spicy but it make people addicted with this diet.

Nasi Pedas Bu Andika

Nasi Pedas Bu Andika

Guys, I have to tell this. This is because of recommendation from @getlostindonesia. I went to Pandawa Beach. It was so beautiful and the beach is still clean and I’m so lucky because the sky is so bright and the sun shining cheerfully.

This is some picture that I and my friend took and also my smiling face of mine and her.

This is it..

This is it..

Thank you for reading 🙂



Hungrehhh… Hungrehhhhh.. Do you have any idea for your lunch?! I think I have one and this diet is recommended for all pork lovers!
Today’s post is about Chinese food but we can find this diet around Jakarta because they already build a branch in surrounding Jakarta (we can find in food court).
This diet is tooooooo delicious! And so much delicious!

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